Four Eyes
Posted in A Celebration of Monstrous Mammaries

those things were MADE to be titfucked!!!

This comment has been around forever

That's what you need to look at her eyes and her breasts at the same time.

isn't that the truth!

one needs four eyes to fully appreciate those enormous beautiful breasts

Legend. Cheers!

Moar at

Never get tired of seeing pics of this girl!

This pic has been around forever Edit: I can't believe all the downvotes. I wasn't trying to say anything bad about the post at all, I haven't seen this on reddit. I just remember seeing this pic a long time ago is all. I should have been more specific.

Source? Is there more?

she is cute but goddamn those are some amazing breast.

So have I. Yet since this is the first time I am seeing it, maybe its the first time others are seeing it as well!

Yeah man I'm upset, I had to look at these titties *again*, thanks for nothing.

I believe this girl is from MA

More like SIX eyes

My one-eye salutes your four-eyes!