Foretaste of what is to come
Posted in General Tits Category

Foretaste. Is that like licking her forehead or something?

Foretaste... Mmmm..

Religion and boobs!

These are my ideal titties.

Have to upvote. was not expecting such an educated response. Mind Blown.

I can count all 20 pixels in that picture.

lemme foretaste them titties

These might be my ideal titties.

Perfectly shaped and juicy boobs, super perky nipple.

Sure thing. Glad to share.

No, it means a taste before the feast. It's used in the Christian liturgy during the Eucharist. It usually refers to the blood and body as being a "foretaste" of the coming everlasting salvation.

I don't mind this

Okay, so we are waiting... Bring it on!

I for one welcome this foretaste

will you marry me?

Not where I'd expect this educational fact, but have an enlightened upvote.

Kind of looks like she has natural nipple piercings.

Foretaste my foreskin

Looks like she had nipple jewelry which was removed

Good God, what a body on this girl...

Looks like my wife. Boobs only. Album of this girl

Oh shit. This Is good fap material here