Drop it like it’s hot!
Posted in Ladys Tits Revealed by Dropping out of her Bra

Didn't work.... Effing iphone

Those are magnificent!

Gorgeous bellybutton too!

They are very soft! Thank you :)

My kind of team Charlie, my kind of team.

Why would you get downvoted for making a comment like that on a sub like this? I tried to even it out for you. ITT lots of downvotes for compliments.

Wow!!! Those are AMAZING!!!

Did you smile when you read that?

Those are beautiful! !!

so soft - outstanding!

Might as well close this sub now, folks. This is the drop of all drops.

Christmas came early this year!

I would submerge my hand in hydrochloric acid for 20 minutes just to make you smile one time

What a glorious drop. Thank you for my boner.