Posted in General Tits Category

regardless she has great tits

Vaginas are like snow flakes, there's no weird, only different.


If only we could apply this attitude to people in a more general sense.....

You have the internet, yet you still don't think it's possible for a vagina to look weird. Have you seen that one girl who put a guys head up there? Only the whitest of knights would say she had a nice looking vagina.

Well it's a Playboy shoot so no doubt it's Photoshop

I'll show *you* a vagina half full! ... my dick is small

I know this girl. Funny to see her here

I'll give her the best 3 seconds of her life .

You mean a penis?

No argument there

Her skin looks either photoshoped or using a ton of skin products.

Maybe it's the shadows but she's got a weird looking vagina .

A vagina half full kinda guy , I like it