Busty and Petiteness at a beach.
Posted in Busty Petite. Little Girls with Big Tits

She is actually at a pool. But the rest if your title is accurate. What's this chicks name?

Her Instagram name is barbieschray

A pool at the beach....dum dum DUUUUHHH-MMMMMM.

Because they jack off to her personality. You wouldn't understand what it's like to be a sensitive guy. /s

Fake tits can be great or can feel like compressed oranges. Scars on the tits completely suck ass. I've been with a number of girls with fakes and one with stellar real 36 Cs. Implants can be great and never sag and have no scars. Too many girls don't get them put in that way.

lol @ everybody furiously downvoting and insulting this weak troll

The navel jewelry. Why is this still a thing?

You're the judge on these competitions that nobody likes and talks out their ass but tries to sound like they know what they talk about. But the crowds booing lets you know....you're well hated. Booooooooo.

Cool? Going to share her name?

Gorgeous. Now where do I get me one? :D

Nice boobs and bod.

Can we please get a name? That body is unreal holy dicks in a bag.

What's her name?

Are there any subs where they show girls with very low cut bottom bikinis? Where her vag is just below the top of her bottom bikini. This photo is great, but I wonder if they can be lower

You know someone's upset about something when they pull a subject out of left field into a totally different sub. Some of us don't prefer fake tits.

Yes, I could be happy with a woman that looks like this. Worst scenario: 1 weekend. Best scenario: sex slave. (she'd have to shape up a bit for the sex slave gig, sorry babe) Excellent potential.

Yea.... how's mom's basement? And how's being single so far?

Those were the exact words that I said when I opened thjs

Devin Brugman? fuck you and your downvotes, that was an honest guess

Yeah, I've been involved with the fappening since the get go, but I still come back to this sub...probably my favorite nsfw sub.

I'd like to introduce you to a little thing we like to call... [punctuation](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punctuation).

chick's* name chicks = more than one chick Learn this.

New banner girl. Damn.

Lol god your comment history is the most neckbeard-ish, cringeworthy crap I've ever seen. Go outside dude.

I don't know - that one of Justin Verlander's butt was pretty hot.