Business Casual
Posted in Fake Mean Implants. No Naturals

Perhaps you prefer pale women as they remind you of corpses. As for innie vs. outie I can't do anything but completely agree.

I think it's the cause of your subconscious attraction. You drool, but do you really know why? Nature always has a reason

that might be why you enjoy them, but it certainly isn't why I do. Source: me, not pregnant

you might be in the wrong sub ;D

I just realized why us men enjoy huge breasts. They resemble breasts with 'melkespreng'. Not sure what the English word for it is, but she is full of milk and bursting to give. Sexuality is quite weird eh? Source: pregnant gf

No, I like my women considerably paler than my mother.

I have given this more thought. Is your mother pale, or any other figures you hold in high motherly esteem? Perhaps subconsciously you wish such a mother for your own offspring.

So if I like pale girls with fake tits I'm into pregnant corpses, noted.

Damn she's hot. Perfect.