Brunette wants guys dick submarine in her pussy
Posted in Sexy Petite Ladies Being Dirty

Submarine? What the fuck

Well it is long, hard, and full of ~~seamen~~ semen

I want a dick submarine! Where can I get one?

Fuck kinda title is that?

who comes up with these captions? lol

Uh? Underwater? Maybe she wants him in a pool or something

The bigger the cushion, the sweeter the pushin' That's what I said The looser the waistband, the deeper the quicksand Or so I have read My baby fits me like a flesh tuxedo [I'd like to sink her with my pink torpedo]( Big bottom, big bottom Talk about bum cakes, my girl's got 'em Big bottom drive me out of my mind How could I leave this behind? ...the best I can come up with on short notice

I think submarine should be removed from the title

Dang dude thats a solid album

Her name is Carolina Abril