Boobs hanging while checking her phone
Posted in General Tits Category

dislike implants


I'm going to go with smothering- vs- beaten to death. Just a matter of preference mind you.

You said "she'll prove they're really" the only way besides xrays is holding a flashlight up to the flesh & an implant is visible as a black bag inside but a tit w/out implant is solid red.

you have mixed those up. fake ones glow b/c implants.

Well, Tessa's natural, so... ?

Holy shit I didn't know this was a thing?! Wowza! Thanks!!

There have been plenty of videos where her tits have behaved like normal boobs and not like implants at all.

Beautiful tits. Thank you OP. Fap for days

Aw no need to downvote the man. Just correct him and watch him be happy again.

Mediocre bright side of lyfe :-)

Those silicone tho..

I was not expecting something so wonderful and impressive. I actually did a "holy fuck!" out loud. Wow.

hanging on for dear life

What? Does she have a flashlight video or something.

He says, as he flagellates himself while masturbating furiously.

They aren't /u/tessafowler will make sure you know they are real.

What do you mean?

Oh dear god. If I had a choice of how to die it would be to get beaten to death with those. Witness me!