Blonde in stockings
Posted in Busty Petite. Little Girls with Big Tits

I consider those a challenge

It's just... not funny. The joke has run its course.

It looks like a nude colored zero suit-samus

Not sure I believe you, but I'm not willing to Czech.

:raises eyebrows: :drops jaw:

damn, what is it about russians being hot as fuck

That's an ever ever land where men look out for modern "mail order brides". What happens next is a circle of dinner dates, some shopping for the blue eyed blonde and an exotic vacation followed by a fuck off. Unless you're an Arab. Then they will marry you and eat your shit.

ya you tell her

goddam does the iss orbit yo titties Lol? i sent u my number u should hit me up and ill treat u like the real woman that u are

That innie nippie is bugging the shit outta me

I was going to point out that she has one inverted nipple. Figures someone beat me to it. I like it, though.

that is all i looked at in every photo

I read this in [this guy]('s voice.

Me, too. I was trying to see how fast I could figure out which side it was on in each photo (some were flipped).

really hate those inverted nipples though

good point. only the sexiest women will survive! at least that is your theory :)

this coming from experience?

You need to [double czech](

To everyone being jerks. IS you her? its not often you see this kind of show horse you gotta stay sharp.

This nigga's thirsty af

Wow. Well, my dick just told me I have a new fetish

The geometry of space changes when breasts change their relationships to one another.

Yup, plenty of videos of her. She mostly goes by the name of Cikita/Chikita.

lol this sounds legit. is there any sources on anyone studying this?

Why did you even make this account?

[Marketa Pechova](

Just makes me want to suck on it until i get it to pop out

She is Czech...

Guys look at username....

Inverted nipple. It's cute af.

There is definitely, definitely something about Eastern European women getting the slim and stacked gene. A disproportionate number of big-bust models come from there, plus if you ever go to Krakow... A skinny body, pretty face and D-cups is basically average.

that's funny because a sinonym for tits in spanish is pechos

It's identical to the theory anthropologists have for light eyes spreading throughout Europe. Europe was cold, so people survived on animal meat and not plant food, so men were more important. Conditions were more hostile, so more men died. Remaining men chose only the best looking women to provide for, and blue/non-black eyes became common.

I'm guessing to be funny. Which I totally think it is.

> Marketa Pechova She's Czech not Russian.

It's funnier when the person actually thinks it's OP and his comment is downvoted to hell.

Holy. Fucking. Shit. You win tonight's prize, OP.

I am not sure how to pronounce her name. But that body is speaking my language.

Bajillions of Russian men died during WW2, survivors came back and got their pick of the super sexy litter. Hitler sort of won with the eugenics thing.

still Slavic

fuck, man... I mean.. fuck, dickface...

I don't get it, what happens to Arabs?

Are there videos? Please tell me there are videos!

wtf, krakow, seriously? wtf ok ya, I need to visit there. How do you have experience there???

will ya she is wonderful, but what's wrong with her teat specially her left one, thanks 4 the album