my big mistake is fall in love so quickly and give everithing.. well now im single again..
Posted in Big Boobs Gone Wild. Ladies Showing their Bodies for Karma

Congratulations on being single! It might not be all fun and games, but there's certainly plenty of time for more fun and games. Enjoy it while it lasts.


Wanna go grab a beer?

Me next! I'll be really mean at random times so you think it's your fault and you'll work harder to keep the doomed relationship together.

Yeah doing that usually freaks people out... 'till it doesn't and it's meant to be.

Gotta be happy in your own skin and love yourself. That's why you fall in love so easily. You are over compensating. Stay single for a bit and do some things that make you proud of yourself. Also, nice boobs.

they look freshly licked.

With those tits you won't be single for long I'd imagine

I would've lead with the nice boobs...

If someone else can't accept the way you are, that's their loss (and in some cases our gain)

And now it's time to get your freak on!