Best maid ever
Posted in Busty Petite. Little Girls with Big Tits

So basically [this lady.](

Tis Carmen from Camwithher. Verified by seeing her tits many times.

more like worst maid ever, id be to busy fucking her for her to get anything done, my shit would be a mess still, not that id care

I don't think she's really a maid guys

Star tattoo on the left shoulder looks like a match. ninja: also camwithcarmen from myfreecams.

My eye just twitched.

How can she see where to clean if she has no head? HER EYES GO THERE!

While your critique was unsolicited, I will remember this for the next opportunity that I have to photograph a large breasted subject in a French maid outfit.

It's useful to note that research indicates the so-called "male gaze" is exhibited by women at least as much as by men.