Beautiful redhead in a hoodie
Posted in Small Sweet Itty Bitty Little Boobies

I am not allowed to because apparently I don't just post for fun, my name is a trademark of sorts and now my posts get automatically removed. See my twitter, instagram, tumblr for REGULAR updates... @lacielaplante

loving the hair hoodie combo there :D MOOORRRRR please :D

Hey this is me

You're still really hot if that counts.

Woah, even I dont have these photos anymore, good find!

Thank you for your service.

Yeah, I'm a brunette. I am red-haired.

You are gorgeous

Nope! Carry on!

Cool. Didn't want to step on any toes. So I thought to ask. It's a great pic by the by...

Not a real red head... look at her eyebrows...

Would U like me to delete it?

I wish you hadn't quit posting. :(