Back seat babe
Posted in Busty Petite. Little Girls with Big Tits

You're right and I thought the same. I'm not saying if she had that it would be a definite no. I think she looks better with dark hair. She does have a hot body. I've never been so confused for a hypothetical situation.

This bitch looks like Stitch from Lilo and Stitch

[Daisy van Heyden](

100% honest, not even trying to be funny or anything. You know how people with down syndrome have these oddly distinguishable eyes? Look up photo of people with down syndrome you will see. Her eyes instantly made me think of that. Not trying to be an asshole.

Looks like an android

I think that was his joke

I'm not sure how to w I feel. In some of her pics she looks strange but in others she looks good. Either way I'd probably say yes to sex. Just not sure if I'd go back for more.

I wasn't trying to rhyme lol