Are you not entertained?
Posted in Busty Petite. Little Girls with Big Tits

you're dam right i am, i would be more if you showed more ;)

Well done on the title OP

> Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?

Reminds me of Andy Samberg.

why you asking questions, you a cop?

Glad he ate her...

Render unto Caesar what is Caesars

User name delivers.

Very pretty eyes and lips. Those tit are great, thanks.

What do you call a Roman with a pube stuck in his teeth, Alex?

Naw man, the bigger the nose the better. This shit right here is as good as it gets.

Joey, have you ever seen a grown man naked?

Ever been in a cockpit before?

Gladiator? He sure is!

On second thought, not really. She needs a nose job.

I'd think this was a boy it not for those tits.

I would be too!

Ever been in a Turkish prison?

Not until they unleash the titty lion!

Sauce? I wonder if her personality is as angelic as her face