Amazing natural boobs
Posted in Busty Petite. Little Girls with Big Tits

It's not the size that impresses me, but the squishiness.

Wait but seriously, are you a guy or girl?

amazing? yes I agree

He's lost consciousness, some one call a a a ....

No. Your responding to someone who thinks tits feel like bags of sand.

Yes, seriously.

That was the face I made when I saw them too. :0

Im talking about terry hatcher in the youtube link. Before you get all butt hurt

Nah, beauty mark.

+More please...

With the little bit of " . " drool?

Such an honest opinion!

upvote for golden globes

boss can i habe de sauce pls?


It is funny. I bet people are seeing 'flat' instead of 'fiat'

Kindly follow links

Those are 100% natural. Fake tits don't move like that, they just don't. Doesn't matter if it's silicone or saline or some other alternative, no boob job in the universe can make your tits naturally "squishy".

Doing god's work.

Amateur perfection like this reminds me of how many non-famous women can be stunners. But the influx of seemingly innocuous every day women posting nudes to the internet does more to establish that than a thousand protests about unrealistic beauty standards. What I'm trying to say is every hot new *non*-famous girl is fighting the good fight. So, y'know. More of that. For social justice's sake. Or something like that.

I guess this is no place for humor.

Nice fun bags.

Any links to the videos? -a lazy mobile redditor

Am I alone in thinking those don't look 100% real?

If I were to die in some horrible explosion due to the carelessness of a friend, well...after seeing those, that'd be okay.

Well I thought that was funny

those tits are absolutely perfect

Disappointment level: 0.

You chose...Truth.

ITT: OP doesn't know what natural means. It means not enhanced by cosmetic surgery. That said, those are probably the finest tits money can buy.

Holy sweet baby jesus

... I'm born in the wrong gender.

aslutandafeminist She deleted her tumblr but there are some videos up on motherless

Those are fake?

I'm not butthurt, that was genuine. I was hoping you'd link a picture.

You won't find better toots than those.

She actually has weird tits tho

i guess she was having trouble tuning in tokyo and needed to mash those knobs good

more of her please.

if by natural you mean enhanced by a boob-job, then yes natural.

Why are tits so good.

"And by the way - they're real and they're spectacular"

Those are some grade A sweater puppies

Funny name. Post needs more upvotes though.

If I spontaneously went blind right now, and those tits were the last thing I ever saw....I wouldn't complain.

If she was in my home, I could actually sit down and watch her all day doing this.. There be a lot of sick days at work

It was a late night red shoe diaries

Omg these are perfect. The way they move and hang and shaped and squeeze and and and ...