Almost too much
Posted in Sexy Petite Ladies Being Dirty

Janice Griffith

nigga be crazy

The fact that you care so much about criticizing some one's piercing to the point that you are going to carry around tissues is pretty sad. Maybe it is time to pick up a hobby.

I can't stop noticing the nic cage face...

Let him bask in his ignorance. More small dirty gorgeous gauged girls for the rest of us that are comfortable with allowing other people to make their own lifestyle choices.

no. i won't be tripping over my retardily overly extended ear lobes that are hanging down to my feet. actually, i don't smoke. i wear sunscreen. i eat very healthily and i work out 3, 4 times a week so i'll be aging quite gracefully.

You see, this is why I don't understand why people gauge their ears...

trust me i will. it will be worth the comedy. a friend of mine has no problem calling people with [multiple ear piercings]( or eyebrow piercings *"shower curtain"*. i will have no problem handing out tissues to people with that stupid nose piercing.

it sounds like he has a hobby, at least he has passion. Wtf are u focused on? settle down "flo-jo" that florida heat is getting to u