All the way naked
Posted in Busty Petite. Little Girls with Big Tits

The OP is a guy, BTW.

Possibly, but the blur is probably from the constant fapping

What's with all the bald pussies? Fuck me. Especially when they look malformed.

Damn you. You read my mind.

Are you near North Carolina? My wife wants you to join us.

My favorite kind of naked.

Yes U R and we THANK you!!!!

but a shave is easier to do and they only do it right before their period. Like I said hygiene, it is easier to keep clean during mensuration w/o any hair down there. Get off your high horse. Ask questions before you go on a rant, you may not have all of the details.


was hoping for more blurr

Which of course is utterly ridiculous and they are either self-deluded, misinformed or lying. A trim is just as or more 'hygenic', but the rest is purely a porn aesthetic that has spread through the modern sexual landscape like bellbottoms or polyester leisure-suits. What I find supremely ironic is that while men far and wide have reclaimed the right to grow beards like lumberjacks, women have buckled under the porn aesthetic without even a blink or complaint. Talk about disappointing...

The OP is not that chick. The OP is a guy.

most girls that I know who shave down there do it for hygiene purposes.

*THAT* is fucking hot.