Against the rug
Posted in Large-Breasted Women. Skinny, Curvy, Thick, BBW

Cam Girl, I assume?

While I'm all about supporting and ensuring one's health, you gotta be realistic if this is part of your livelyhood. Whelp, she didn't quite think it all the way through. Oh well.

She's so beautiful

Yeah. Ended up getting a reduction and thinking that people would still log on because "I've got a *great* fucking personality, asshole!" Not her exact words, but... you get the picture.

The funny part about this particular girl is that she listed her location as being not too far from my house, and I was heavily *tempted* to subscribe, take her private, and tell her that I wanted her. Bad. But alas, these things never happen and I didn't do that.

You're not wrong. Samantha Jay, a/k/a Samantha Janecki, b/k/a Shyloh

Maybe this:

too bad about the reduction

thank you, new best friend.