4’11” 28 GG … True Busty Petite
Posted in Busty Petite. Little Girls with Big Tits

The one with cinnamon would be more potentially painful

May as well sleep on a bed of fucking LEGO

That's the final layer of hell. You sadistic SOB.

Make it crunchy peanut butter and you got a deal


anytime i see a good pic and i see comments i guess wither there is more, i guessed right, hoped wrong.

The 'crackers in bed' thing dates back to like Vaudeville, grasshopper

I agree wholeheartedly.. But this is a legitimate measure of attractiveness. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=waffle+crapper Re: Adam Carolla/Loveline radio show

Dude.. She could literally shit on my hot waffles and I would still bang.


Nothing with reverse image search. I'm guessing it's from Facebook and OP uploaded it for us.

That's a very crumby thing to do to anyone.

She could bring crackers into my bed if she wanted! Pussy pass accepted!


You guys keep spouting measurements, but I'm measuring the amount of other pics of her posted. It's 0. Tragic.

i just burst out laughing. to let someone do that is love right there tho

Now THIS is just evil.

It's not like you'd be sleeping anyway

oh jesus christ no

Who the hell brings glass bottles to the beach?

What about a Natural Valley Oats N' Honey bar with no wrapper?

That comment actually pissed me off down to an emotional level.

Came in here to see of there was any more pics. Nope. But plenty of bra filling explanation. Thanks. For. Nothing.

Standards bro, standards. These are crackers in bed we're talking about, not shitting on your hot waffles.

Who is that girl?