The very same 4’11” 28 GG, let’s call her Becky
Posted in Busty Petite. Little Girls with Big Tits

If the pictures are on Facebook it's pretty much public domain.

> This is the best ~~worst~~ thing I've ever heard

Not sure why you are being downvoted. They're played the same, and sound similar. It's just like horns in F and mellophones. Looks different, sounds almost identical.

This whole thread is puzzling. Why would you want to get into a dispute over sousaphones and tubas if you don't even know what relationship they bear to one another?

Put me down for more Becky.

> She's got a set of oom-pahs that John Philip Sousa would kill for. This is the best thing i've ever heard

What does it mean when people say "comments are a graveyard"? Does it mean they're all deleted? If so, why do I care?

I'm right there with you. Part of me thinks this is some creeper taking pictures from her Facebook. The other part of me hopes this doesn't end as a revenge ex kind of thing. And the last part of me hopes OP is "Becky" and this gets WAYYYY better soon. Edit: **Turn back** the comments are a graveyard.

Are you dating Becky? Because if you're holding out on pictures to tease us and use us for karma, fuck you buddy.

Yep, sousaphone's are more practical for marching.

Just type "lol" no one will know.

Once went to a concert (Sean Hays) and a guy in the band busted out some big brass. Audience starts chanting "Tuba, Tuba, Tuba...". Sean quiets the crowd and educated them on the existence of the Sousaphone.

I wouldn't say I'm a huge fan of patriotic marches, but I can appreciate a good Frasier quote.

She's got a set of oom-pahs that John Philip Sousa would kill for.

Don't say this!!! You'll get down voted to hell and get your whole ideology examined and everyone apparently will turn into psychology majors and tell you how idiotic and irrational you are /s

This is not the discussion I was expecting in this sub

Because only the especially esoteric scholars would be familiar with the most famous march composer of all time.

Just type "lol" and no one will know.

That's so incorrect it's not even funny.

... it's a *little* funny.

Because they generally fill the same role as a horn would. They are vastly different instruments. Tubas and sousaphones are more similar than mellos and horns tbh.

They have marching tubas, my high school used them, they just sat on the shoulder.

This guy gets it

This is the funniest comment that may have gone over many people's heads (unfortunately)

OP holding out on us.

The Sousaphone is a tuba redesigned for use in a marching band.

Now we're referencing other comments in the same post? Only John Philip Sousa would do something like that.

Yeah, I don't get it... :(

It means that they aren't worth reading through

Marching band director calls the mellophones "horns", so...

??? Tuba and sousaphone are pretty much interchangeable...

This is the right answer.

Oh, well if your random band director said so.... They're in the same key. Literally the only thing similar. Completely different mouthpiece, different tone, different fingerings, different partials, different range, different skills required to play them well, I could go on and on. Mellophone is closest to a trumpet or a baritone, if you want to compare it to something. A horn is a separate world entirely.

Bruh. If you think a mellophone and a horn are the same, you've never played either.

The nakeder, the better, btw.

Should have heeded your edit. Posts are indeed a graveyard. Reddit needs more good people like you.

Found the drum corps kid

idk, I marched tuba/sousaphone in High school... they have the same fingerings and everything. I'm sure someone could come in and be pedantic about exact tubing lengths or whatever. Though perhaps it's just a joke that went over my head.

For pussies. Contras are where it's at!