The Doctor Is In
Posted in General Tits Category

So I have this mole on my arm and it's oddly shaped. It's not bumped up it's more like a freckle but the shape isn't circular and that's what worries me. I'm sure it's nothing but I wanted to make sure it's not dangerous. Should I see a dermatologist and have it checked out or, in your professional opinion, from what I described, is it just something to not worry about?

It's time for your medication, Mr. Brown.

Ahh, I miss Evers.


Yes she is. Wow.

Ready for my check up!

It's cancer. You have two months to live.

I would CP her R.

Holy shit that is one huge album. Sadly only 30 or so even load on my phone. The rest are blank.

Child porn her rear?

[I see what you did there](

Doctor, I need you to check on me right now.

Former GW'er EversSecrets - my all-time fave

I usually don't like pictures when the head has been cropped off (don't get me wrong, I understand why), but this one.... WOW.

Fantastic, Nurse. Where is he?

Always ruining it for the rest of us. Creepers: just be content eating a KFC famous bowl in your parents basement whilst stating into the middle distance and listening to This Mortal Coil's "It'll End in Tears." (I stole this from Patton)

Medical pun describing her attractiveness.

She deleted her account about a year ago

I'd like to give HER a physical!

it might be lupus

Go to your pc it's worth it.

Yeah, she disappeared about a year ago - said people were stealing her photos and apparently one guy may have been stalking her via another site

anyone can buy scrubs...

Cunt Punch her Rapehole

Huh, TIL I'll edit my comment then.

i'd like to state the nature of the medical emergency in my pants

I really hope you work in the medical field. Every time I'm in the doctor's office or hospital and a nurse, clinician, dr's boobs rub up against me - I suppress an erection like you wouldn't believe.

Um... can i get an appointment please?

Album ruined it for me.

/u/Solidjoecool - comes to a Boobies thread with the title "The Doctor is in" asking for actual medical advice. ***Bravo***

This picture reminds me of a petite busty nurse that I hooked up with. I will never forget slowly removing her scrubs to get it in.

Here's all you need

Hnnnng is that a Littmann cardiology III stethoscope?? She definitely knows what's up.

Need a pic to have a better idea.

It's never lupus.

Edit: Hopefully. **hopefully**