Siri knows how to finish a titfuck
Posted in Fat Cocks Sliding Between Their Tits

Why don't you test the source before you link it? Seeing as it doesn't work, your comment is useless.

Photos are always taken separately from the video shoot which is why it's slightly different.

Oh god. Do you have a source?

It works just fine, if you're on mobile I can't help you if it doesn't work. Why don't you look up the scene yourself you lazy piece of shit.

Yea its Siri. Deff need a source tho

Pins colada mix is used all the time for staging these shots.

That does look like lotion on her tits.

Yeah, but you also probably just taught people something by saying that.

Pretty sure it's Siri don't know the source though

This looks like the source but I think the photo was either faked or I just didn't scrub the video enough: She's wearing the same earrings, it's by the same network, and it looks like a similar setting. Also, LEARN HOW TO USE GOOGLE INSTEAD OF BEGGING OF THE SOURCE THIS TOOK ME 5 MINUTES YOU ARE LAZY

They're not in their right state of mind to be able to process how to find anything... they just have one hand free to type "sauce?".

I agree, but still, in chrome all you have to do is right click the image and click search google for this image to find the source 7/10 times.