My boobs say hi. Your move
Posted in Big Boobs Gone Wild. Ladies Showing their Bodies for Karma

Feel free to involve a mouth.

You're welcome to share the aftermath (:

man i just wanna blow a load on those beauties

Ooo Thank you so much!:D

Feel free! (:

I would say hi but my mouth is full of your tits!

It was my pleasure ;)

Oo lucky me (:

Of course they can. They are fully grown :D

Yes they are big enough and heavy no doubt :D

Definitely. Would also love to slide my hard cock between them and cum all over them.

i had movement lol there you go :D

So flattering (:

and now I made a mess

My move? It involves my cock, plus a hand ...

Ooo Thank you (:

You made me move!

Im feeling movement below..

Shouldn't speak with your mouth full;)

It can't be helped. Sucking and licking and biting those amazing tits is gonna make me moan

Twitch twitch;)

Hopefully it will make moan too!:)

Lmao they so better be. I'm not dealing with bigger.

They said hi back. Scared me though, I didn't know they could talk!

On more than one occasion ;-)