Himiwako Instagram: Boob Drop
Posted in Female Breasts Getting Bigger

Yeah I've been there, and its not "very easy." The majority of the people on that forum claim a few centimeters of growth after months of trying, and half of those people also show weight gain in other areas. And few people post pics for proof. It may certainly be possible, but nowhere does it suggest that this kind of growth is realistic.

Got a link for non mega users?

While it is technically by definition Gigantomastia, breast tissue exceeding 2.5kg or 3% of body mass, it's unlikely in Himiwako's case that it's one of the more rare occurances that involves genetic estrogen senstivity. I say this because she has clearly gained significant weight over the passed 2 years and that is probably where a majority of it is coming from. So this is actually pretty normal.

Ah, curses! I didn't have a link to the original. Now I wish I could go back and edit OP with your new link, but I can't find the button for it. Instead, have an upvote!

In the name of Freyja...0_0


Gigantomastia as a side effect of pregnancy most likely.

Can someone explain where she came from? Ive been out of the b.e loop for a.while, whats the deal with her?

Gigantomastia and hormones have an effect on that, even some birth control pills mess with this and cause continued growth. That's one possibility

~~Source Video: https://mega.co.nz/#!RwVnwDIC!UaqRzGt8jsZZiNFjkrGiKgjO1mnsR1mZn8seHd2IlDc~~ Source Link, credit to BaiersmannBaiersdorf: https://instagram.com/p/6SZozqmuS1/

you don't need download helpers to get the mp4, just have to inspect the source with chrome or another browser.

I've never understood why people get so viscerally offensive towards women like this. Remember Anekee back in the day, and the fervor that surrounded her authenticity? All she wanted to do was some exhibition, but the internet whipped into a fury about how fake she was. It was terrible. I'd love to hear some reasons why that level of anger comes through toward playful gals who just want to show off their goods. It's all harmless fun until the internet makes it harmful.

May have been the Leanne Crow method (gain weight, tummy tuck), although even that seems like it wouldn't be enough for that kind of gain.

https://instagram.com/p/6SZozqmuS1/?taken-by=himiwako You can use Video DownloadHelper.

Well now I'm just left to wonder how the fuck she's growing like that.

This subreddit is devoted to the growth of boobs regardless of size. Implants and breast growth are two different things.

Unless those are the most expensive and thorough prosthetics ever made, it's pretty unlikely at this point that they're fake. I thought this was a subreddit devoted to big boobs, not boob skepticism.

~~I'm not sure how to. I uploaded it to Mega with the impression that non-users would be able to download it. Sorry, it's my first time uploading to there. I didn't want to put it on Youtube in case it got my account flagged for something-or-other.~~ ~~What would be a good place to upload it to?~~ Edit: Thanks, BaiersmannBaiersdorf! Top comment updated.

i don't think I've ever been happier to be so wrong about her [heres a gfycat mirror in case she takes the video down](http://gfycat.com/BothCheapBear)

Oh my god oh my god oh my god.

I always believed in her, but even I was shocked to see it in motion lol

Pure heaven. I hope they keep growing and that she gets much more into modeling them!